David believes, “Knowledge is the greatest pain liberator of all.” One of David’s goals of Explain Pain Supercharged is to create a digestible curriculum for patient education. It’s a big battle but we’re trying to change the primary metaphor to pain is protector so therefore pain softener, you can be sore but safe, hurt not harm and to get metaphors coming off this deeper, deeper conceptual metaphor.” Therefore you see pain killers, war against pain, shotgun approach. David states, “ The primary root metaphor out there has been pain is enemy. Reconceptulizing pain as a protective signal instead of a marker of injury or disease is an important target concept to improve pain outcomes for persistent pain patients. Evidence for opioid alternatives that everyone possesses in their brain
David explains SIMS and DIMS and how to treat the patient more holistically How the immune system and nervous system interact and impact pain symptoms David’s patient centered updates in Explain Pain Supercharged
His professional interests focus around the integration of neurobiology into clinical decision making and public and professional education in pain, stress and performance management. David is a clinician, an international freelance educator, an Adjunct Associate Professor with the University of South Australia and an Honoured Lifetime Member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

David Butler to the show to chat about his work, Explain Pain Supercharged, co-written by Dr. Happy New Year to the Healthy Wealthy and Smart family! To start off 2017, I had the pleasure of welcoming Dr.